EAE Technology
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Product Manual MD
EAE KNX Presence Detector
HVAC Parameters
Switch ‘ON’ delay [min]
This parameter is used to determine “Switch ON delay time”. After a movement detection, sensor
waits until “Switch ON delay time” is expired and checks the presence object for presence
information. If value of presence object is still “ON”, sensor sends the value “ON” to “HVAC –
Output” object.
Stay ‘ON’ time [min]
This parameter is used to determine “Stay ON time” for HVAC output. “ON” telegram is sent to the
output with a detected motion and HVAC output stays “ON” until “Stay ON time” is expired.
Switch ‘ON’ delay and stay ‘ON’ time can
be changed by bus
This parameter determines whether “Switch ON delay time” and “Stay ON time” can be changed by
bus or not.
Yes: “Switch ON delay time” and “Stay ON time” objects are created and possible read/write to these
No: “Switch ON delay time” and “Stay ON time” objects are not visible.
Disable light level control
ON for disabling / OFF for enabling
OFF for disabling / ON for enabling
This parameter determines the value type for disabling/enabling HVAC output object.
No: “Disable HVAC output” object is not visible.
ON for disabling / OFF for enabling: HVAC output is disabled with the value “ON” and enabled with
the value “OFF”.
OFF for disabling / ON for enabling: HVAC output is disabled with the value “OFF” and enabled with
the value “ON”.
Behaviour disable lighting
*no action
Light ON
Light OFF
This parameter is used for selecting whether a telegram is sent to HVAC output before disabling
HVAC and, if so, with which value.
No action: No telegram is sent before disabling HVAC output.
Light ON: HVAC output is set to the value “ON” before disabled.
Light OFF: HVAC output is set to the value “OFF” before disabled.
Behaviour enable lighting
*no action
Light ON
Light OFF
This parameter is used for selecting whether a telegram is sent to HVAC output after enabling HVAC
and, if so, with which value.
Continue control: After enabling the HVAC output, detector keeps the current status of HVAC output.