1. MaxL:
Maximum Lifetime.
2. Max:
Maximum temperature since reset.
3. Current:
The temperature now.
4. Min:
Minimum temperature since reset.
5. MinL:
Minimum Lifetime.
6. Temp. mon:
Confirms Temperature Monitoring as installed and functioning.
The temperature is monitored at the top of the indexing valve (under the top cover of the IVM).
An upper and lower
warning temperature and an upper and lower alarm temperature can be set at
the discretion of the system operator. This can be helpful to alert maintenance personnel of potential
extreme temperature conditions which may have a negative impact on the operation of the valve or
sewage treatment system performance. The minimum and maximum temperature values which will
register a warning or trigger an alarm may be set in the ADMIN. MENU/TEMP.SETTINGS sub-menu.
MIN and MAX values will be reset if the IVM is cleared. The IVM will take approximately one minute
to display correct MIN and MAX values after being cleared.
The MINL and MAXL are kept for the lifetime of the IVM and are not resettable under normal
Oct 2020 IVM6000-LP
Quick Start Guide Page 15
Keypad functions
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1. MaxL
2. Max
4. Min
5. MinL
6. Temp. Mon
3. Current
Units of measure can be
changed from °C to °F