Make all engine adjustments from behind the
rotating propeller.
The engine gets hot! Do not touch the engine
during or immediately after you operate it.
Make sure fuel lines are in good condition so
fuel will not leak onto a hot engine and cause
a fire.
To stop the engine, close the carburetor barrel
(rotor) or pinch the fuel line to discontinue the
fuel flow. Do not use your hands, fingers orany
body part to stop the engine. Never throw
anything into the prop of a running engine.
Read and abide by the following Academy of
Model Aeronautics Official Safety Code:
1. I will not fly my model aircraft in sanctioned
events, air shows, or model flying demonstrations
until it has been proven to be airworthy by
having been previously successfully flight tested.
2. I will not fly my model aircraft higher than
approximately 400 feet within 3 miles of an
airport without notifying the airport operator. I
will give right of way to and avoid flying in the
proximity of full-scale aircraft. Where necessary
an observer shall be used to supervise flying to
avoid having models fly in the proximity of
full-scale aircraft.
3. Where established, I will abide by the safety
rules for the flying site I use and I will not
willfully and deliberately fly my models in a
careless, reckless and/or dangerous manner.
7. I will not fly my model unless it is identified
with my name and address orAMA number, on
or in the model.
9. I will not operate models with pyrotechnics
(any device that explodes, burns, or propels a
projectile of any kind).
1. I will have completed a successful radio
equipment ground check before the first flight
of a new or repaired model.
2. I will not fly my model aircraft in the presence
of spectators until I become a qualified flier,
unless assisted by an experienced helper.
3. I will perform my initial turn after takeoff
away from the pit or spectator areas and I will
not thereafter fly over pit or spectator areas,
unless beyond my control.
4. I will operate my model using only radio
control frequencies currently allowed by the
Federal Communications Commission.
The best place to fly your R/C model is an AMA
(Academy of Model Aeronautics) chartered club
field. Ask your hobby shop dealer if there is
such a club in your area and join. Club fields are
set up for R/C flying which makes your outing
safer and more enjoyable.The AMA can also tell
you the name of a club in your area. We
recommend that you join the AMA and a local
club so you can have a safe place to fly and also
have insurance to cover you in case of a flying
accident. (The AMA address is listed on page 3
of this instruction book.)
If a club and its flying site are not available, you
need to find a large, grassy area at least 6 miles
away from any other R/C radio operation and
away from houses, buildings and streets. A
schoolyard may look inviting but it is usually