Sequences are a series of single steps, determining the functions of the DMM 4650 step by step. Thus, providing the
possibility to define signal sequences, volume levels, trigger outputs, time sequences, loops, etc. Triggering an input
(”trigger) normally starts a sequence. However, for test purposes it is possible to start a sequence via menu com-
mand. A sequence preset can consist of maximally 50 single steps,
Sequence Presets
20 freely programmable presets (user presets) from SOO - Sl 9 are provided. The functions of the factory presets
S20-S37 are explained in tables on the pages 36 - 44. Erasing the factory presets is not possible. Probably the
easiest way to create your own sequences is to modify already existing, possibly similar sequences (user or factory
presets) and store them under different numbers together with their new titles and priorities.
Operation menu sequence
Confirming the menu selection ”sequence” with the soft key ”ok”, using the cursor keys lets you select the following
sub menus:
Confirming ”load” with the soft key ”ok”, ”Sxx’title” and the soft keys ”Yes, no” appear on the display. Modifying the
sequence number xx is possible by use of the cursor keys; the corresponding name is displayed. The selected
sequence is loaded into memory with ”y’offering the possibility for editing in other menus.
Confirming ”Priority” with the soft key ”ok”, the display shows the priority number of the selected sequence. Using the
cursor keys it can be altered in the range of 00 up to 99.
After pressing the ”EXIT”key (previous menu level), the question ”store yes, no?”appears on the display. Acknowledging
this question lets you save your new settings in a user preset.
Stop trigger
When confirming ”stop trigger” with the soft key ”ok”, a menu is displayed which allows trigger settings for an input
control line. Possible choices are described in the chapter ”trigger” The stop trigger function is only available when the
sequence commands ”if stop” or ”wt stop” are included.
After pressing the ”EXIT” key (previous menu level), the question ”store yes, no?” appears on the display. Acknowledging
this question lets you save your new settings in a user preset.
Step list
When confirming ”step list” with the soft key ”ok”, a menu is displayed which allows the indication of all individual steps
of a sequence. In caes the listing of a certain sequence is supposed to be edited, the sequence has to be loaded into
memory, first (menu ”load”). The cursor keys are used to modify the step number and its corresponding function (see
list of available step functions). The soft keys ”d = delete” and ”i = insert” simplify the editing of step listings by deleting
or inserting complete rows of steps at the currently displayed step number.
In order to test the functionality of a sequence before the actual storing process is performed, it is possible to launch
the sequence including all audio signal and control line results by pressing the PLAY/STOP and RECORD-(stop
trigger) keys, Pressing the EXIT key immediately cancels the test function.
After pressing the ”EXIT” key (previous menu level), the question ”store yes, no?” appears on the display. Acknowledging
this question lets you save your new settings in a user preset.