Water Storage Tank Service
Water storage tank may require air repres-
surizing if you notice low water delivery rate
even with full tank.
The storage tank has the bladder inside
which separates air from water. On the lower
side of the tank there is the air valve con-
nected to the compressed air chamber. The
top water inlet-outlet port (where the tank
valve is mounted) is connected to the pure
water chamber. When you open the faucet,
the compressed air would compress the
bladder to force the water out of the tank.
In an empty tank, air pressure in the air
chamber should be 5-8 psi (0.35-0.55 bar). If
pressure drops below this threshold you may
notice low delivery rate of pure water from
the tank.
To recharge the tank:
Shut off the water supply valve.
Drain the tank by opening the faucet to al-
low water to run until it stops.
Check to see if there is still water in the
storage tank. If the tank feels heavy,
that means you need to recharge the
air chamber and continue the following
steps. If the tank feels light, that means
it is not time yet to recharge the tank at
this moment.
Locate the air valve. Use bicycle tire air
pump to pump air into the tank through
this valve. Keep the faucet open while
pumping air so that all water inside the
tank can be purged.
After all water has been drained from the
tank, use an air pressure gauge to check
the tank pressure. The tank should have
5-8 psi (0.35-0.55 bar) of pressure when
it’s empty. Add or purge air if necessary.
Open the water supply valve and close the
faucet to allow refilling of the tank.
Please note that storage tank service life is
limited. Take into consideration that it stores
water of room temperature and is not ster-
ile, thus it may become the source of a sec-
ondary contamination over time. Unpleas-
ant smell or taste may appear in the water.
If changing the post-filter doesn’t solve the
problem your tank may require retirement
and your system needs a new tank.
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