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S e t u p > V i d e o / A u d i o > C o l o r S e t t i n g s
S e l e c t t h e d e s i r e d a u d i o c o d e c . T h e B i t r a t e i s c o n f i g u r a b l e f o r s o m e
c o d e c s .
Color & Sensor Settings: Image settings for both day and night are available via the Day & Night
Time Profile tabs. The relevant settings will be applied to the camera based on the camera’s
present mode of operation (e.g. day or night). In the Color Settings Tab, adjust the following
Brightness: select values from 0~255. Default value is 128. The higher the number the brighter
the image will appear.
Contrast: select values from 0~255. Default value is 128. The higher the number the stronger
the contrast between the dark spots and bright spots in the image will appear.
Saturation: select values from 0~255. Default value is 128. The higher the number the warmer
the colors in the image will appear.
Sharpness: select values from 0~255. Default value is 100. The higher the number the sharper
lines in the image will appear.
Flip: flip horizontally (top to bottom)
Mirror: flip vertically (right to left)