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S e t u p > V i d e o / A u d i o > V i d e o S e t t i n g s
U s e t h e V i d e o S e t t i n g s p a g e t o s e l e c t t h e n u m b e r o f p r o f i l e s t h e c a m e r a
w i l l s t r e a m s i m u l t a n e o u s l y a n d s e t u p e a c h o f t h e p r o f i l e s .
Profile Setting- The Video Profile Settings control the ROI (Region of Interest) characteristics. The
ROI video is streamed via RTSP protocol. See the “Streaming ROI” section for more on viewing
ROI video.
The number of available ROI profiles for viewing can be set by selecting the appropriate option
4 Profile
defines each stream with a VGA resolution (640x480), while
1 Profile
2 Profile
settings provide some options for resolution.
Settings for specific ROI profiles can be found in the Video Quality Setting section.
ROI profile 1 & 2 are preconfigured profiles which have some settings that are configurable (e.g.
All profiles offer Constant Bit Rate (CBR) or Variable Bit Rate (VBR) mode.
The GOP (Group Of Pictures) can also be adjusted. The GOP is based on the FPS setting. For
example, if the FPS is 20 and the GOP setting is 2, then the GOP is 40 frames. A GOP is
comprised of one I frame and the remainder are P frames.
4 Profile
defines each stream with a VGA resolution (640x480). In the Region Size settings, the
image has a mask covering area that will not be displayed; the lighter shaded area will be what is
displayed for the ROI. To adjust the ROI, click & drag the window or click within the
masked area to reposition.
* Option not available on DW Optimized Firmware