Time Type:
Set the time types (default 24 hours, optional 12 hours).
Enable NTP:
Enable/disable NTP
Update Interval:
Set the NTP server automatic updated time interval. Valid after
setting NTP server synchronization (default one day, 2-10 days Optional).
NTP Server Address or Domain Name:
Set NTP server address or domain name
(default time.nits.gov). Valid after setting NTP server synchronization.
NTP Server Port:
Sets the NTP server port (default 123).Valid after setting NTP
server synchronization.
Click on the "Save" button, it will be valid when display "Save successful".
3) User Management
Select Users:
Set the user type (the default administrator, User 1, User 2 optional)
User Name:
Set the user name (Select User Administrator default admin; select a
common user1 default user1; to select a common user 2 default user2; user can
modify their own)
Set a password (Select User Administrator default admin; select a
common user1 default user1; to select a common user 2 default user2; user can
modify their own).
Password Confirmation:
Confirm the input passwords are the same or not.
Version Update
The version information displayed on the page is read-only version and cannot be
modified by the user. It is the same as the version information in the menu. The
version information of different device models is different.
Update File:
Click "Browse..." in the pop-up window and select the upgrade file; click
the "Upgrade" button, the upgrade dialog box will pop up. After successfully update,
device will automatically reboot. (Note: Make sure that the device power and network
can work during update, if not, the upgrade will fail.)