Phone 10-15cm
ipad and tablet 20cm
A f t e r y o u h e a r
the sound ‘DING’
3. Input your
device name
4 . I n p u t y o u r
device password,
then tap ‘Save’.
Aim the device at your smart phone’s QR code in 10-15cm distance (iPad and
tablet are 20cm). Once hear the sound ‘DING’, click ‘Heard’, it shows ‘Setting
Success’, device is connected to the Wi-Fi.
2 . C l i c k t o
add device
1. Slide down to refresh
and find device.
Step 4:
Add device. In 'Device List', slide down to find device.
Special Notice:
If device have no 'Di.Di.Di.Di....' sound means the device has
scanned before. User should press the reset button for 5 seconds until hear
‘KING’ and scan after hearing the 'Di.Di.Di.Di....' notice sound.
Special Notice:
Device is designed not able to scan QR code for 2 times. If want
to change Wifi in another place, user should press the reset button for 5 seconds
until hear ‘KING’ and scan after hearing the 'Di.Di.Di.Di....' notice sound.
Device will have 'Di.Di.Di.Di....' sound noticing user to scan Wifi QR code.