Manual RMO-H
3.6 Measurement parameters
The table below provides RMO-H device accuracy parameters under the maximal test current per the
range being used.
Table 3-1
Measurement parameters for RMO-H
Test Current
Full Range
Typical accuracy
100 A
– 300 A
1 mΩ
999,9 µΩ
0,1 µΩ
± 0,1 % rdg ± 0,1 % FS
50 A - 200 A
10 mΩ
9,999 mΩ
1 µΩ
± 0,1 % rdg ± 0,1 % FS
50 A - 100 A
20 mΩ
20,00 mΩ
10 µΩ
± 0,1 % rdg ± 0,1 % FS
20 A - 50 A
50 mΩ
50,00 mΩ
10 µΩ
± 0,1 % rdg ± 0,1 % FS
10 A - 20 A
100 mΩ
99,99 mΩ
10 µΩ
± 0,1 % rdg ± 0,1 % FS
5 A - 10 A
500 mΩ
500,0 mΩ
0,1 mΩ
± 0,1 % rdg ± 0,1 % FS
1 A - 5 A
1 Ω
999,9 mΩ
0,1 mΩ
± 0,1 % rdg ± 0,1 % FS
1 A
– 5 A
2 Ω
2000 mΩ
1 mΩ
± 0,1 % rdg ± 0,1 % FS
*The measurement parameters stated in the table are valid at the rated battery voltage (3,7 V), + 25 °C ambient
temperature and use of recommended accessories.
4 Error Messages
Any operational error is indicated by an error status message.
4.1 Error Message "SD Card Initiation Failed"
The RMO-H device has a built-in SD card. The SD card is used to store internal device information and
is not accessible to the user.
The SD cards are initialized during the device startup stage. If there is no SD card in the SD card slot, or
if the initialization is not successful, the following message will be displayed. In case the message is
frequently displayed, please contact the DV Power Customer Support Department.
The device will display the message for three seconds and return to the Main Menu.
4.2 Error Message "Connection VS"
If one of the "Voltage Sense" cables is disconnected from the test object, or from the test set at the start
of the test, the error message "Connection VS" is displayed.
Figure 4-1:
Error message
SD Card init failed