E.M.6427 RELEASE 7.1 05-03
6427071-230-en 9
Set the code of the position required.
Wait until the position code output is stable (it depends on what type of PLC/CNC outputs are
used - relay, static…).
Give the PSTART command (active on its rising front). PSTART must stay ON for more than
30 ms (T2).
The turret confirms the reception of the start signal by setting low both INDEXD and LOCKED
signal after approximately 30 ms (T3).
When the position requested has been reached, but the disc is not yet locked, the INDEXD
signal is set high (this signal can be used to start the approach of the tool to the part to be
worked on).
After the disc has been locked, the LOCKED signal is set to high. The turret can work.
Position bits and parity bit must be stable for at least 30 ms. from PSTART signal. After this
time and once the turret confirmed the start reception, position bits, parity bit, and start signal
can be changed until the INDEXED signal is low.
However it is strongly recommended to
keep position bits and parity code set to the last position called.
The PSTART signal can be reset after the confirmation of the reception, typically it must stay
on for at least 30 ms (T2).
Important: the end of cycle must be detected by the LOCKED signal that changes from
low to high and with the INDEXD signal high and no alarms are present.
In case of the turret is already in the position called (for example change in tool offset T1.01
..T1.02) the turret will not move or unlock/lock but the INDEXD and LOCKED signals will have
the same behaviour as a normal rotation (INDEX and LOCKED low after the PSTAR and then
after approx. 200ms the INDEX goes HIGH and after 50 ms more the LOCKED signal goes