Insert steam plug (32) into the steam outlet (22) found on the top right of the machine. Push until the latch (31) locks into place (6 bar
models). Activate the locking snap (10 bar models).
Activate the general power switch (11) and switch it to the position “boiler ignition” (13) for the production of steam and wait approx. 3-8
minutes (depending on the model) until the green “ready steam” indicator (14) lights up indicating the boiler has reached its operating
pressure. The switches (36,37 and 38) located on the handle have to be in the OFF position.
Activating the switches (36 and 37) on the handgrip will regulate the steam flow as follows: switch (36) minimum flow, switch (37) medium
flow, switches (36 and 37) maximum flow. Use the steam command switch (34) to activate steam flow.
Follow the same procedure as “
operating the machine with Kit Radames
” to use water or detergent injection.
Insert the steam lance (71) by sliding the latch (75) to the OPEN position, lock into place and then slide the latch into BLOCK position, then
screw the hand wheel screw (40A) (only for 10 bar models).
Follow the same procedure in attaching the rectangular (72) or the triangular brush (74) which can be covered with an absorbing cloth by
using the gripper (73) to hold the cloth in place. This is a recommended use to clean delicate surfaces (such as precious wood for ex.) or
vertical surfaces (in tiles for ex.) etc. The cloth is acting as dirt "extractor" in this case.
Insert steam plug (82) into the steam outlet (22) found on the machine.
Activate the general power switch (11) and switch it to the position “boiler ignition” (13) and wait approx. 3-8 minutes (depending on the
model) until the green “ready steam” indicator (14) lights up indicating the boiler has reached its operating pressure. Press the steam
command switch (83) to activate the steam flow. If necessary press the detergent switch (81) in short intervals to inject detergent.
Insert the desired lance (84-85-86) onto the Geyser handgrip (80) and screw onto the lance the nozzle (87) or the various optional
accessories (88-89-90) according to the type of cleaning to be carried out. Now your lance is ready for use.
DUPLEX UK– 01/17