D U N I W A Y S T O C K R O O M C O R P .
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14. Mounting
The 960 may be used as a bench-top instrument or it may be mounted in an instrument panel.
Clips are provided for panel mounting.
15. RS-232 Input/Output
allows user to read pressure, set points and other parameters; 9600 baud, 8-N-1; available through
the accessory connector
16. Operating Voltage
The Model 960 has a universal power supply, which operates on input voltages from 90
47 to 65 Hz; input is through a power input receptacle on the rear panel.
17. Fuses
Input power is protected by internal, self-resetting, fuses in both lines of the input power. When
the input current exceeds 2 amps for 25 seconds, the fuses open. After 30 seconds open, the fuses
re-set to closed.
18. Weight, Model 960 only; does not include cable or CVT and CCG tubes
0.9 lb. /0.4 kg
D. Controls and Indicators
1. DISPLAY CVT button
allows the user to select CVT (Convection) to be shown on the digital display
2. DISPLAY CCG button
allows the user to select CCG (Cold Cathode Gauge) to be shown on the digital display
3. CCG HV On button allows the user to turn high voltage on/off to the CCG when the
960 is not in the Autorange mode.
4. SELECT button
Allows selection of parameters to be adjusted, e.g. Set Points
5. RAISE and LOWER buttons
used for adjustment of gauge and instrument parameters
6. Digital Display
2-digit pressure, sign (+/-) and 1-digit exponent, 7-segment bright red
, 10 mm high
7. Display Indicators
bright red individual
for miscellaneous indicators
TELEPHONE: 650-969-8811 TOLL-FREE (U.S. only): 800-446-8811 FAX: 650-965-0764 EMAIL: [email protected]