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Series Servo Ultrasonic Press Systems QUICK START GUIDE
STEP 11 -
Set Ultrasound Amplitude
A typical initial ultrasound weld amplitude setting is 100%. The default amplitude setting is 90% as shown below in Figure
6-18. The range for this feature is between 20% and 100%.
STEP 12 -
Post Weld Settings
The post weld phase of the process is sometimes overlooked; however, it is important in achieving desired weld results.
The Infinity™ servo welder has several exclusive post weld control parameters that can improve weld bond strength and
process repeatability.
Hold Methods
There are two types of hold - Dynamic Hold and Static Hold. These types can be used together or separately.
Dynamic Hold Method
During Dynamic Hold, which occurs immediately after the weld phase, the press will continue to travel at the programmed
hold speed with the ultrasound turned off.
This feature provides the ability to collapse the molten plastic after the ultrasonic signal is turned off, before material
solidification. This feature can be beneficial in producing superior weld strength and appearance.
To program Dynamic Hold, find Post Weld > Dynamic Hold Method, and select Distance. Then enter the desired Hold
Distance, Speed, and Max Time. The Max Time parameter is used to terminate the machine cycle if the dynamic hold
distance is not reached within the allowable time window. See Figure 6-19.
Figure 6-18
Default Weld Amplitude Setting
Figure 6-19
Dynamic Hold Methods