This function is available if a route already exists.
Add a Location to your route
Press the ADD button to add another location to your route.
Position the location within the route
The first location you set automatically becomes the destination. You may
add another location to this route by pressing the ADD button. Additional
locations added become either Departure points, Via Points or Destination
points depending on their respective position within the route list. You may
rearrange your route simply by selecting the location and choosing to move
the location up or down in the list.
Find POI nearby any location
Simply select the location and choose ‘Find Nearby POI’. After selecting the
POI, it will be added to your route.
Save Route
Press the save button to save your route. This route may be accessed at a
later stage via the Itinerary menu: [Where to] > [Itinerary]
Calculate Route
When finished modifying the route, press the DONE button to calculate.
Edit Route
Main Function