Maximum C frequency weighted,
equivalent continuous sound level
over the set sample interval. Auto
matically resets at every new sample
interval. The last reset time is
displayed in the “Timestamp”
box below the graph.
Minimum Z frequency weighted,
slow time weighted sound level over
the set sample interval. Automatically
resets at every new sample interval.
The last reset time is displayed in the
“Timestamp” box below the graph.
Maximum Z frequency weighted,
slow time weighted sound level over
the set sample interval. Automatically
resets at every new sample interval.
The last reset time is displayed in the
“Timestamp” box below the graph.
Minimum Z frequency weighted,
equivalent continuous sound level
over the set sample interval. Auto
matically resets at every new sample
interval. The last reset time is
displayed in the “Timestamp”
box below the graph.
Maximum Z frequency weighted,
equivalent continuous sound level
over the set sample interval. Auto
matically resets at every new sample
interval. The last reset time is
displayed in the “Timestamp”
box below the graph.
The battery voltage that is displayed
is measured directly on the battery
input connector. The voltage of
the battery fluctuates while it is
being charged from solar power.
The measured battery voltage is
accurate when there is no light on
the solar panel, when the battery
is not being charged. The battery
charge state versus battery voltage
curve is not linear, so the battery
charge state cannot be calculated
100% accurately from just the bat
tery voltage alone. A rough estimate
can however be calculated from
the battery voltage (when not being
charged) using the following formula:
100-((6,5-measured voltage)/
A battery voltage of 5,5VDC at
the start of a use period without
charging via solar power is sufficient
for at least 6 hours of working time.
The Ranos dB performance does not
degrade or change with battery
voltage, but the Ranos dB will cut
off system power at around 4,5VDC.
Stated voltages are for a measured
battery voltage when it is not being
charged. The Ranos dB will conform
to specifications with a power supply
(battery) voltage ranging from 4,5
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