Navigate to the second
“ranos live” tab.
Install a ½ inch adapter in/onto
your sound calibrator if applicable.
Slowly insert the microphone all
the way into the coupler.
Turn on the sound calibrator,
set the frequency to 1kHz and
the sound level to 94 dB. When the
sound calibrator signal frequency
is valid, the microphone is within
specification, and when the signal
has stabilized, the Ranos dB will
detect the sound calibrator signal.
Once the sound calibrator signal
has been detected, a “Calibrator
detected” popup will show up.
Click “Start automatic calibration”.
Do not move the microphone or
calibrator while the calibration is
running, the calibration will be
aborted when a signal fluctuation
has been detected. The auto
matic calibration will determine
the necessary adjustment so that
the reading of the Ranos is equal
to the sound pressure level inside
of the coupler. At the end of the
routine, the adjustment value will
automatically be set and stored
in the “Correction” field in the first
settings tab of the Connect App.
Turn off and carefully remove
the sound calibrator.
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