Fault Diagnosis
Nature of Problem
Unable to enter the Front Panel
Unable to ‘write’ a configuration
using DSE Configuration Suite PC
Ensure the Configuration Lock has
been disabled and is in the fully
open position.
Module not detecting faults
Sup (Supervision) LED not lit
The DSEP100 begins the Supervision Timer and
subsequently enters Supervision Mode when the two
supplies are in parallel. This is indicated to the DSEP100
using digital inputs A and B.
Phase Rotation alarm not resetting
If the Reset when mains is out of limits option is not
enabled, the fault must be corrected, then the DSEP100
power must be cycled (off then on) in order to reset the
Phase Rotation alarm.
All LEDs illuminate for a short time
All LEDs illuminate for a short time upon DC power being
applied to the controller.
Trip – Red
U – Amber
F – Amber
df/dt – Red
Vec – Red
Alt – Amber
Sup - Green
Lock fully open