[04] For Future Use
[05] For Future Use
[06] Low Gain Listen To All - this key activates LOW gain lis-
ten-in from the premises from all activated microphones.
[07] Extend Time - pressing this key extends the session by the
time programmed in section [55].
[08] For Future Use
[09] Terminate Session - when pressed, this key will terminate
the talk/listen-in session.
[10] For Future Use
[11] Cancel First Keypress - pressing this key will cancel the
first entry of a 2-digit command (i.e. Zone Select).
[12] For Future Use
[13] Zone Select - this key requires a 2-digit zone number (01-
64) entry after pressing the key. Once the zone number has been
entered the port assigned to that zone is activated for listen-in. If
the selected zone does not have a port programmed, the zone
select function is cancelled (the module returns to the state it was
in before the zone select function key was pressed).
[14] Increment Selected Microphone (Input) - if the operator
does not hear anything initially, they can increment the selected
port by pressing this key.
[15] Decrement Selected Microphone (Input) - if the operator
does not hear anything initially, they can decrement the selected
port by pressing this key.
[16] For Future Use
[17] Mode Key - this key allows the operator to toggle to an
extended set of commands.
4.8 Listen-In Options
Ref: Section [50] -[57]
These toggles are used to enable/disable listen-in for the zone
Ref: Section [58]
These toggles are used to enable and disable the system events
which will cause the panel to initiate talk/listen-in upon comple-
tion of the communication handshake. The following system
events can be programmed to initiate talk/listen-in.
Zone Alarms
(Enable/disable by zone)
[A] Alarm
[P] Alarm
Duress Alarm
Zone Exp. Sup. Alarm
Open After Alarm