Step 7
Program the PC4936 and Ports
The PC4936 Audio Interface module programming can be done from any
system keypad. Refer to Section 4: “Programming” on page 11 for informa-
tion on each programming section.
Helpful Installation Tips
If an intercom station appears to be exhibiting feedback noise, check the fol-
lowing for potential causes.
• Microphone - Remove the backplate. The microphone and holder are located
in the bottom-left corner. Ensure that the microphone is pushed fully into the
black rubber holder so that the face of it is flat against the rubber.
• Speaker - Ensure that the felt is secured around the speaker.
• Gain Control - Remove the backplate. The speaker volume control is
located directly above the microphone and the microphone sensitivity
control is located directly beneath the speaker. Turning either of these con-
trols counter-clockwise will reduce their gain, thereby reducing the possi-
ble level of feedback.
• Placement - Avoid installing intercom stations directly across from one
another. Feedback may also occur due to room acoustics which will be
affected by several different factors such as the size of the room, whether
or not the floor is carpeted and the objects in the room. Try moving one of
the intercom stations to correct the problem.
• Ventilation - In some extreme instances the station may be feeding back to
itself. The speaker output may be feeding back into the microphone
within the housing. To eliminate this, open a hole through the wall equal
in size to the rectangular opening in the backplate to allow the sound to
2.2 Combus Wiring
The PC4936 Audio Interface module has 4 terminals marked Combus (red,
black, yellow and green). Connect the four Combus terminals on the PC4936
to the four terminals on the control panel marked Combus (red, black, yel-
low and green).