4.8 Keypad Port Assignment
Ref #: [001607]
Use this section to tell the panel which keypad is closest to each audio sta-
tion. This is important for the User Help, Verbal Alarm and Verbal Door
Chime features to work correctly. See section 3.12 “User Help (Keypad func-
tion key)” on page 9 and section 4.6 “Verbal Alarm Options” on page 12.
4.9 Central Station Talk/Listen-In
Ref #: [001601]
Enable the “Event Buffer Follows Swinger Shutdown” option in
the control panel if Central Station Talk/Listen-In is used.
You can program the PC4936 to initiate a Talk/Listen-in session with the
central station for any or all of the following events (for UL Listed applica-
tions the maximum on-line time should be 30 seconds):
• Zone alarms
• Miscellaneous alarms (Police Code, Door Forced Open and Open Too
Long alarms)
• Tampers
• Openings
• Closings
• Auxiliary alarms
• Panic alarms
• Duress alarms
• Opening after alarm
If the Openings and Closings options are enabled, you should also enable
the Duress Alarm option.
In all cases, a reporting code for the event must be programmed
in the control panel. For example, if a reporting code for a zone alarm is
not programmed, an alarm in the zone will not initiate a Talk/Listen-In
Module tampers will not initiate a Talk/Listen-in session.
For Talk/Listen-in to work correctly on zone alarms, you must assign each
zone to the closest audio station (see 4.7 “Zone Port Assignment” on page 12).
Zones programmed as silent will not initiate a Talk/Listen-in ses-
sion. Only a Listen-In session will occur.
To have the PC4936 turn on Talk/Listen-in on all stations (instead of only
the one closest to the alarm), enable the
CS Listen All
The Talk/Listen-In communication will end after the programmed
expires (ref #: [001603]). The central station operator can extend the on-
line time by pressing any key on their Touch-Tone telephone or entering the
extend time command (see 3.16 “Central Station Talk/Listen-in” on page 10
and section 4.10 “Central Station Talk/Listen-In Commands”, below).