Section 3: Audio
3.1 Paging
Users can page people on the premises using the intercom stations.
Only one page can be performed at a time.
To initiate a page press the Page/Answer button on any station. The station
beeps twice. If no beeps are heard it is because another conversation is
already taking place. If the page is successful all other stations that are not
on “Do Not Disturb” will sound a rapid beep. Talk into the audio station.
The system broadcasts your voice to all other interior audio stations.
To answer the page, press the Page/Answer button on another station. The
station beeps twice to indicate that a connection is established between the
intercom stations where the page was initiated and answered. No other sta-
tion will transmit the conversation.
The PC4936 automatically detects the source of the loudest voice and uses
this to control the direction of conversation. During a page, the Do Not Dis-
turb (DND) light will be on when the microphone of the intercom station is
To end a page, either person can press the Page/Answer button. If the
PC4936 detects silence for 30 seconds, it will end the page.
3.2 Page Listens To All
You can program the system so that when a page is initiated, users at all
other intercom stations can respond hands-free for 30 seconds (i.e., without
pressing the Page/Answer button). Ports in DND mode, or which have the
Paging/Monitoring/Doorbell Sounds option turned off will not be able to
answer the page.
A user who wants to talk for longer than 30 seconds can press the Page/
Answer button to establish a private communication link. If the page is not
answered within 30 seconds, it will time out.
3.3 Cancelling a Page
To cancel a page, press the Page/Answer button a second time. The page
will automatically be cancelled if there is no response in 30 seconds.
3.4 Do Not Disturb
To avoid receiving pages, doorbox calls or incoming telephone calls, users
can put a station on Do Not Disturb (DND). To do this, press the Do Not
Disturb button on the station. The Do Not Disturb light on the station will
come on to indicate the unit is in Do Not Disturb mode.
To take a station off DND, press the Do Not Disturb button again. The Do
Not Disturb light on the station will go out.