Read this manual carefully before operating your security system. Have your installer instruct you on
system operation, and have your installer inform you of the features that have been enabled on your
system. Everyone using the system should be instructed in its use. Complete the System Information page
and store this manual in a safe place for future reference.
Test Your System Regularly
To ensure that your system continues to function as intended, it is important that you test your system
weekly. Refer to the “Testing Your System” section of this manual, and read and follow the instructions
carefully. If your system does not function properly or if you have any questions about testing your system,
call your installing company for service or assistance.
Important Notice
A security system cannot prevent emergencies. It is only intended to alert you and, if
included, a monitoring station, of an emergency situation. Security systems are generally
very reliable but they may not work under all conditions and they are not a substitute for
prudent security practices or life and property insurance. Your security system should be
installed and serviced by qualified security professionals who should inform you of the level
of protection that has been provided, and instruct you on system operations.
Your security system has been designed to offer advanced security features and simple, straight-forward
operation. Described here are terms used throughout this manual to explain the operation of your system.
Your system features one or more keypads. The keypad is used to enter commands to operate
the system, and to view operating information about the system. Commands are entered on the keypad by
pressing one Key at a time. Several different keypad models are available for your PC2580 alarm system:
The PC2550RK and LED625 keypads display system information using Zone Lights and System Lights.
The LCD600 Message Display Keypad displays system information and guides operation with
easy-to-understand English-language messages.
All commands used to operate your system are the same for all keypads. For some functions, the LCD600
Keypad will display messages to guide you through operation or to advise you of certain conditions.
This symbol will appear in the manual to indicate that the LCD600 Keypad will display
messages for the function described. Refer to the page number indicated for instructions on
using a function with the LCD600 Keypad.
Master Code:
The Master Code is a 4-digit code used to arm and disarm the system, to program Access
Codes and to bypass zones. Normally only one person should know the Master Code.
Access Codes:
Fifteen Access Codes are available to allow users to arm and disarm the system and to
bypass zones. Each person should keep their 4-digit Access Code secret to ensure system security.
Entry Delay:
The Entry Delay is the period of time allowed for someone to enter the premises and disarm the
Exit Delay:
The Exit Delay is the period of time allowed for someone to leave the premises after they have
entered an Access Code to arm the system.
Entry-Exit Door or Zone:
The Entry-Exit Door or Zone is the door or zone designated by your installer to
be used for entering and leaving the premises when the system is armed.
A Zone is an area that is protected by a security device. For example, a room protected by a
motion detector may be “Zone 1”, while a window protected by a magnetic contact may be “Zone 2”. Your
installer will inform you of where zones have been set up on your system.
Turning Quick-Arm ON and OFF with the LCD600 Keypad
With the system disarmed, press the [
] Key. Use the [>] Key to scroll to
the next message.
With this message displayed, press [6] to enter the User Functions Menu.
Enter the Master Code, then use the [>] Key to scroll to the next message.
Press [4] to turn the Quick-Arm feature ON or OFF. The keypad will sound
several quick tones if the Quick-Arm feature is being turned ON, or the
keypad will sound a single long tone if the Quick-Arm feature is being turned
OFF. Press the [#] Key to return the keypad to the “Ready” Mode.
Displaying Alarm Memory with the LCD600 Keypad
If there was an alarm while the system was armed, a message similar to this
one will be displayed when the system is disarmed. Use the [<] and [>] Keys
to scroll through the list of zones that went into alarm.
When all zones that went into alarm have been displayed, this message will
be displayed. Press the [#] Key to return to the “Ready” mode; the next
message will be displayed.
To re-enter the Display Alarm Memory mode, enter [
][3]. When [
][3] is
entered, the keypad will again display the zones that went into alarm while
the system was armed.
Viewing Trouble Conditions with the LCD600 Keypad
The PC2580 constantly monitors itself to ensure proper operation.
If a trouble condition occurs while the
system is armed,
the keypad will beep, the “Trouble” light will come ON, but the keypad will not display the
trouble condition. Only a trouble on the Fire Zone will be indicated with a message while the system is armed.
This message will be displayed, whether the system is armed or disarmed,
when there is a trouble condition on the Fire Zone.
Call for service
immediately if this message is displayed.
This message will be displayed if a trouble condition occurs while the system
is disarmed. Press any Key to silence the keypad sounder, then press the
[<] or [>] Key to display the next message.
Enter [
][2] to display trouble conditions.
A message similar to the one shown here will be displayed. Use the [<] and
[>] Keys to scroll through the list of trouble conditions. When finished
viewing the trouble conditions, press the [#] Key to return the keypad to the
“Ready” mode.