Installer’s Programming Command
]+[8]+[Installer’s Code]
The PC1550 is completely programmed from the keypad by using
commands in the [
][8] section. See the Programming Section of this
manual. The default Installer’s Code is [1500].
Arming without Entry Delay
]+[9]+[Access Code]
Entering [
][9] before the arming code will arm the panel without the
entry delay on delay zones. Also “Home-Away” zones are automatically
bypassed. When armed using the [
][9] command, the “Armed” light
will flash to remind the user that the system is armed without entry
delay. This command allows the user to remain at home and have an
instant alarm on the entry doors.
Arming For The Night
To reactivate “Home-Away” zones that have been bypassed by arming
with the [
][9] command, enter [
][1]. When this command is entered,
the “Armed” light will continue to flash to remind the user that the Entry
Delay is not applied to the Delay Zones. Also, the “Bypass” light will be
shut OFF to indicate that the Home-Away zones are no longer bypassed.
Note that the [
][1] command will not remove bypasses from zones
that have been manually bypassed.
Quick-Exit Command
]+[0] when Armed
Entering [
][0] when the system is armed will allow the user to exit the
premises through any delay zone without altering the status of the
system if the Quick-Exit feature is enabled (section [32], option [4]). For
2 minutes after [
][0] is entered into an armed system, one and only
one delay loop may be tripped. Any additional activity on any other
active loop will cause that loop to begin its alarm sequence.
Quick-Arm Command
Entering [
][0] is accepted as a valid arming code if the Quick-Arm
feature is enabled. This command is often used when individuals are
required to arm the system but not disarm the system. This could be
used with home visitors in the case of a residential alarm system or for
junior employees and maintenance staff in the case of commercial
systems. See [
][6] User Functions Command section, for enabling
and disabling the Quick-Arm feature.
Keypad Zones
[F] - [A] - [P]
There are three zones which can be activated with single key entries on
the keypad. For the [F], [A] and [P] keys to be functional for transmission,
they must be enabled by the installer in Alarm and Restoral Codes,
section [09].
[F]ire Key
Pressing the [F] key and holding it for 1 second will initiate
a local alarm which will sound using the Temporal Fire Pattern or will
pulse the bell. Also if programmed, it will transmit the alarm to the
monitoring station. The keypad will sound a series of short beeps once
the panel has accepted the alarm.
[A]uxiliary Key
Pressing the [A] key and holding it for 1 second will, if
programmed, transmit an Auxiliary alarm to the monitoring station.
There is no local alarm and no keypad lights will come ON when this key
function is activated. The keypad will sound a series of short beeps
upon successful completion of the transmission to the monitoring
[P]anic Key
Pressing the [P] key and holding it for 1 second will, if
programmed, send a transmission to the monitoring station. The alarm
signal can be programmed to be
See Programming
Section [12], option [6]. If programmed as
the local bell / siren
will sound steadily.
Keypad audible annunciation for the [P] key is programmable, Section
[14], option[5], for feedback (3 beeps) or silent (no buzzer feedback).
If programmed for
the buzzer will sound once the key input
is accepted.
Programming Guide
The essential information which defines the operation of the control
panel is stored in a section of the EEPROM memory which is
accessible using the Installer’s Programming code or via downloading.
If the Installer’s code is forgotten, the EEPROM may be reset to the
factory default code. See Section [30], Reset to Factory Default.
With the panel in the disarmed mode, enter [
][8][1500]. The panel can
only be programmed while it is in disarmed mode. The default installer’s
code is 1500; it can be changed in section [20], New Installer’s Code.
Once the installer’s command is entered, the “Armed” light will come ON
steadily and the “Memory“, “Bypass” and “Trouble” lights will flash. This
indicates that the panel is ready for programming.
NOTE: If no key entry is made for 2 minutes, the panel will return to the
Ready mode and installers programming will have to be re-entered.
With the “Armed” light ON steadily, enter 2 digits for the section you wish
to program. Section numbers range from [01] to [36], and each section
can be programmed independently. Section [00] is reserved for binary
programming which is normally done on instruction from factory technical
Once the 2 digits for the section you wish to program are entered, the
“Armed” light will go OFF, the “Ready” light will go ON steadily, and the
keypad sounder will beep 3 times. The keypad is now ready to accept
data for the selected section.
Most sections contain groups of 2-digit entries and the keypad buzzer
will beep twice after each 2-digit group is entered. When the section is
first entered, the first 4 zone lights will indicate, in a binary format, the
value of the first digit in that section (see binary display section on this
page). If you wish to change that digit, simply enter the new digit from the
keypad. If you wish to keep that digit unchanged, you can enter the same
number or skip the digit by pressing the [F] key. Once the first digit has
been entered or skipped, the 4 zone lights will display the value of the
second digit. After each digit is entered or skipped, the zone lights show
the value of the next digit in the binary format.
When the required data for the section being programmed is completely
entered, the keypad sounder will beep several times and the “Armed” light
will come ON to indicate that the expected data has been entered. At this
point, you will still be in the program mode and need only enter the section
number for the next section you wish to program.
It is not necessary to program all 2-digit pairs in any given section. A
section can be entered and selectively programmed by going only to the
digit(s) you wish to change and then pressing [#] to return to the
programming mode. For 2-digit pairs, both digits must be programmed
before pressing [#]. Only the data entered before pressing [#] will be
changed in the EEPROM.
Program Data Review
• Enter the section you wish to program by entering the 2-digit
section number.
• The first 4 zone LEDs will represent the value, in binary format, of
the first digit in that section.
• Each press of the [F] key will advance the display to the next digit.
• At the end of the section, the keypad will beep several times and
then return to the program mode so that another section can be
selected for review or programming.
NOTE: Only sections [01] through [24] and [26] through [28] can be
reviewed using the method described above. Section [25] cannot be
Sections [12], [13], [14], [16], [31], [32], [34]
These sections use the zone lights to indicate which functions are
active and which number key to press to turn them ON and OFF. When
one of these sections is entered, zone lights 1 to 6 will display which
functions are currently ON. Pressing the key number corresponding to
the zone light number will toggle the function ON and OFF; the zone
light will turn ON or OFF to indicate the state of the function. All functions