Programming Work Sheets
PC1550 Version 4.1
NOTE: In sections [01] to [10], do not enter data into sections that are not used.
[01] 1st Phone Number
Page 8
Enter [0] for the digit 0 in the phone number. Enter [
] (HEX D) for additional
dial tone detection between number digits, as in local PBX systems. Enter [#]
to end the phone number entry
[02] 1st Account Code
Page 8
Enter [
] (HEX A) for the digit “0” in the account code. For a 3-digit code, enter [0] for the 4th digit.
[03] 2nd Phone Number
Page 9
For UL installations, the second phone number must not be activated,
as the total number of dialing attempts would be greater than 10.
[04] 2nd Account Code
Page 9
[05] Zone Alarm Reporting Codes
Page 9
For single digit reporting codes, enter [0] as the second digit. Enter [
] (HEX A) to transmit a “zero”.
Zone 1 Alarm
Zone 4 Alarm
Zone 2 Alarm
Zone 5 Alarm
Zone 3 Alarm
Zone 6 Alarm
[06] Zone Restoral Reporting Codes
Page 9
For single digit reporting codes, enter [0] as the second digit. Enter [
] (HEX A) to transmit a “zero”.
Zone 1 Restoral
Zone 4 Restoral
Zone 2 Restoral
Zone 5 Restoral
Zone 3 Restoral
Zone 6 Restoral
[07] Closing (Arming) Reporting Codes / Partial Closing Reporting Code
Page 9
Access Code 1
Access Code 4
Access Code 2
Access Code 5
Access Code 3
Access Code 6
Partial Closing Code
[08] Opening (Disarming) Reporting Codes / After Alarm Reporting Code
Page 9
The “after alarm” code is sent on disarming if an alarm occured during the previous armed period.
Access Code 1
Access Code 4
Access Code 2
Access Code 5
Access Code 3
Access Code 6
After Alarm Code
[09] Priority Alarms and Restorals
Page 9
Pressing the [F], [A] or [P] keys will immediately transmit both an alarm and restoral code. There is no delay on the restoral code
Fire Loop Trouble
Fire Loop Trouble Restore
Keypad [P]anic Alarm
Keypad [P]anic Restore
Keypad [F]ire Alarm
Keypad [F]ire Restore
Keypad [A]uxiliary Alarm
Keypad [A]uxiliary Restore
[10] Maintenance Alarms and Restorals
Page 10
For automatic test code reporting, time between reports (in days) must be specified in Section [17], and time of day for the report
must be entered in Section [19].
For UL installations, either AC failure or battery trouble reporting must be enabled.
Low Battery Alarm
AC Fail Restore
AC Fail Alarm
PTC Failure Restore
PTC Failure Alarm
Automatic Test Code
Low Battery Restore