Automatic arming (auto-arming) is when the system automatically turns on one or more
areas of the system at preset times. Your installer may have set up your system to
automatically arm at specific times.
All users can delay auto-arming for a pre-set period of time. Ask your installer how long
the automatic arming will be delayed. Supervisor and Master users can cancel auto-
arming until midnight of the same day.
Cancelling and Delaying Automatic Arming
Before the system begins automatically arming an area, the keypads will warn users in
the area by beeping continuously (this is the auto-arm warning). If you hear the auto-arm
warning, you can delay or cancel the automatic arming. Enter your code at an area keypad.
The keypad displays:
Automatic Arming
in Progress!
To cancel or delay the automatic arming, follow the procedure below starting at step 3.
To cancel or delay automatic arming before it starts, follow the procedure below from the
: If none of your areas are set up for automatic arming, or if automatic arming is
already delayed or cancelled, or if the system is set up so that users cannot delay or cancel
automatic arming, the keypad will display "This Function is Not Available".
12:00 2000/01/01
Enter Your Code
From the start screen, enter your access code.
The keypad displays:
Do You Want To
Turn Areas On?
until the keypad displays:
Do You Want to
Do You Want to
Delay Auto-Arm?
Cancel Auto-Arm?
To confirm either option, press
The keypad displays the first area which will be auto-armed:
Area 1!
Area 1!
Delay Auto-Arm?
Cancel Auto-Arm?
To confirm either option, press
S E C T I O N 2
Turning Off Automatic Arming