Data Bay Indicators
Drobo utilizes status indicators found to the right of each Data Bay. These
indicators will always let you know the status of your Drobo. When all lights are
green "everything is okay." If there is a yellow light, you are running low on
protected capacity and you should add or replace a hard drive with one of greater
capacity at your convenience. A red indicator means you need to take action as
soon as possible, because you are critically low on space or not protected
against single drive failure. A blinking red indicator means that a hard drive has
Reference the following chart to best understand what your Drobo is telling you:
Color and Light
What It Means
Action to Take
Healthy system.
Drobo is getting full.
Add a hard drive or
replace the existing one
with a greater capacity
hard drive.
Protected space is
critically low, or data
protection against single
drive failure is no longer
Add a hard drive or
replace the existing one
with a greater capacity
hard drive ASAP.
Blinking Green and Yellow
Drobo is protecting your
data by duplicating and
spreading it across all of
the available hard drives.
Don't remove any hard
drives power-down Drobo.
You can continue to
access your data while
Drobo is protecting your
data. Just don't remove a
hard drive!
Removing a
hard drive while green and
yellow lights are blinking
may cause data loss.
Red blinking
A hard drive has failed.
Replace this hard drive
Four Red Indicators
Drobo is starting-up, or
there have been too many
hard drives removed or
replaced at the same time.
Wait a minute to make
sure Drobo is done
rebooting. If the indicators
don't change to green,
then you may have