This document and the information contained herein, is the exclusive property of Drivecon and represents a non-public, confidential and proprietary trade secret that may not be
reproduced, disclosed to third parties, altered or otherwise employed in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of Drivecon.
Copyright © (2015) Drivecon. All rights reserved.
Front View:
Back View:
1. Rubber cover
13. Button 7
1. Rubber cover
2. Button 1
14. Button 8
2. Stop button
3. Button 3
15. Button 9
3. Clip
4. Button 5
16. Button 10
4. CE and product label
5. Left start button
5. Battery charger socket
6. Top LED (red, green)
7. Button 2
8. Button 4
9. Button 6
10. Right start button
11. Button LEDs
12. Stop button