Dreadbox Erebus V3 Ctrlr panel documentation and instructions
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Cakewalk by Bandlab
Creating a new track
Drag the Erebus V3 plugin from the Instruments plugin window (Synths) and drop it on the main
window to create a new track.
Click on the instrument icon near the track name to display the panel.
Load a preset from inside the panel and use it as you would do for the standalone version.
Listening to wav files associated a patch is also working even if ASIO is used as audio driver for
Cakewalk while the wav file player is Windows or MacOs.
When saving the Cakewalk project, the panel is saved as well. It will be restored with the last patch
used and saved.
Using several Erebus V3 tracks at once
Works fine. To keep several plugin windows opened at once you need to pin them first (pin icon on
top right of a plugin window). Patches and windows are restored when re-opening the project.