EPQ DataNode Series User’s Guide
Total Power
Arithmetic sum of phase Watts.
Total Reactive Power
Arithmetic sum of phase VARs.
Total Apparent Power
Square root of (total WATTs s total VARs squared)
Total Arithmetic VA
Arithmetic sum of individual phase volt-ampere values.
Total Vector VA
Square root of (total WATTs s total VARs squared)
Total Fundamental Arithmetic VA
Arithmetic sum of the volt amperes of the fundamental fre-
quency components of each phase.
Total Fundamental Vector VA
Square root of (fundamental frequency component of WATTs
s fundamental VARs squared)
True Phase Power or Real Power
Measured in watts, of each phase, calculated over 1 second
from cycle-by-cycle power values (voltage sample * current
sample). Not valid for delta configurations.
True PF
Total Real Power divided by Total VA
Worst PF
True PF of the individiual phase with largest deviation from 1
Total Arithmetic True PF
Total Real Power divided by Total Arithmetic Volt-Amperes
Total Vector PF
Displacement PF
Cosine of angle between fundamental frequency voltage and
current on a per phase basis.
Worst Displacement PF
Displacement PF of phase with largest deviation from 1.
Zero Sequence
U0a = 1/3 (Ua + Ub + Uc)