Supplement Zeus
Infinity Empowered
Removing the breathing hoses
Remove the breathing hoses (C) from the ports
on the breathing system.
Removing the sample lines
Disconnect the sample line (D) from the CO
water trap (E) and from the filter on the Y-piece.
Remove the internal sample line (G) on the
Protect water trap (F).
Do not damage the breathing hoses.
When attaching or removing the breathing hoses
always hold them at the connection sleeve and
not at the spiral ribbing. Otherwise the spiral rib-
bing can become detached from the sleeve.
Breathing hoses with damaged spiral ribbing can
get kinked and interrupt ventilation.
Risk of infection
Breathing gas, in which there may be infec-
tious agent, flows through the sample line.
– If there is no bacterial filter used between
the sample line and the patient, the sample
lines must not be reused and must be re-
placed after each patient.
– Observe the replacement intervals of the
water traps.
– Replace the bacterial filter in the sample
gas return line in accordance with the in-
tervals listed in the information in the
"Maintenance" chapter.
Material damage due to disinfectants
When the sample line is disinfected and resi-
dues of the disinfectant remain in the sample
line, these residues can get into the water trap
and the patient-gas measurement module lat-
er. This may result in faulty measurements.
Sample lines are disposable products. Dis-
posable products must not be disinfected.