Instruction Manual Dräger P7-TDX
8. Manual tightness test
Manual tightness tests up to 48 h with compensation for changes of the absolute pressure
(air pressure) and temperature can be conducted with the Dräger P7-TDX.
8.1 Settings
Test pressure, Stable time and measurement period can be
set during the manual tightness test.
Select measuring channel: 150, 3,500 or 25,000 hPa (mbar).
Select test pressure: 10 - 150 hPa (mbar), 100 - 3,400 hPa
(mbar) or 1,000 - 24,900 hPa (mbar).
If a tightness test was selected in the 150 hPa (mbar) meas-
uring channel, the internal or an external pump can be used,
to build up the test pressure. Tests with the 25,000 hPa
(mbar) channel can only be conducted using an external pump.
Select stabilization time: 1 min - 48 h.
Select measurement time: 1 min - 48 h.
Select temperature correction: 0 - 100%. The percentage of the exposed pipeline can be
entered for partially underground pipelines (constant temperature). Only the temperature
change in the exposed pipeline is then corrected.
The selected measurement time is divided into 100 equal time units. A complete dataset is
stored after each time unit.
When printing on the MSI printer IR3, each 5th dataset stored is printed out.
The measuring device switches to energy-saving mode, when measurements are set
for 6 h or longer:
as of 6 h measurement period: device switches “off”
10 s before the next storing of data: device switches “on”
storing of a complete dataset
directly after storing: device switches “off”
manual switch on using “F” key
device stays on until the next storing of data
8.2 Pressure build-up
While pressure is being built up, the following current infor-
mation is shown:
- pressure in the “P” line
- temperature (if temperature sensor is connected) “T”
- absolute pressure “Pa”
- time elapsed for the pressure build-up “t”
You can switch to the stabilization phase using