Ultra Evac Technical Manual
GD-99013 Rev. D
Q u a l if i c a t i on s f o r S e rv ic e P e r s o n n el
Service personnel will be trained during the installation of the equipment on preventative maintenance,
troubleshooting and common problems. Support for the service technicians is always available by calling
Customer Service at 1-888-466-6633.
Qualifications needed to properly service products manufactured by DMS in no way allows for or
authorizes any person to avoid the authorities with jurisdiction to impose additional requirements for
qualifications on service personnel.
DMS recommends that all facilities service and healthcare professionals attend the Maintenance & In-
Service Training sessions offered during the time of equipment installation.
All maintenance to be performed by qualified personnel only. Repairs by unauthorized individuals should
not be attempted and may result in damage to or malfunction of the system or even personal injury.
S e rv i c e Wa rn i n gs
Modification of this equipment is not allowed.
When performing any service or maintenance procedures on the cart, follow all manufacturers‟
Handling biohazard waste is potentially dangerous. Wear personal protective equipment when
servicing the cart.
Prior to performing any maintenance on the evac, unplug the unit from the wall outlet. Not
unplugging this unit will leave dangerous voltages & current accessible to the service personnel
working on or in this machine.
If the unit is to be moved, wipe down the outside of the unit with a hospital approved bleach wipe.
(Sani-Cloth Bleach Germicidal Wipe (DMS# UL-BW100), Clorox: Germicidal Wipes or equivalent)
Remove all fluids from the bottom of the unit's lower cabinet before returning equipment to
A d d i t i o n a l In f o r ma t i o n
Upon request DMS will provide the following: Circuit Diagrams, Component Parts List, Description of
Components, Calibration Instructions, and any parts information needed for repair of the unit.