Technical Manual
04043552 - 07/2017
Terminal 97 00
Navigation keys
By wiping from the right display edge to the left, the navigation bar is displayed. The naviga-
tion bar contains the android navigation keys.
Upon touching the individual symbols, the following functions will be executed:
Upon touching the individual symbols, the following functions will be executed:
Upon touching the Home symbol, the desktop view (start screen) of the device opens. Since
the android is capable of multitasking, active programs keep running in the background.
Upon touching the search symbol, the search function for each active program is displayed.
Upon touching the menu symbol, a menu is displayed whose options refer to the current pro-
gram or the current screen display.
Upon touching the Back icon, it is possible to return to the display view shown last in each
case, i.e., for example, from the submenu to the main menu.
When the system is expecting an input, a virtual keypad is shown on the display. In this input
mode, the Back icon points downwards. Upon touching the Back icon, the input mode is fin-
ished, and the virtual keypad disappears.
The Home key and Search key are without function within the B-Client terminal software,
test program and BaseApp.