Donaldson Company, Inc.
The window below the Setpoint Adjustment
window is used to modify the cleaning mode. The
normal cleaning mode provides cleaning only when
the pressure drop is within the range defined by the
Constant Clean
ignores the START and STOP
CLEAN setpoints and operates the filter cleaning
system continuously while the blower is running.
Press and hold the Constant Clean button until the
green indicator light illuminates. Press and hold
again to deactivate the Constant Clean mode.
Downtime Clean
allows the filter cleaning to
continue after the blower motor is turned off. After
a blower run-down delay, the cleaning mode starts
sequentially pulse cleaning until the end of the
cycle. At the end of the cleaning cycle, the system
shuts down and remains dormant until reactivation.
This mode will remain in effect until turned OFF,
initiating downtime cleaning each time the OFF
button shuts the system down. Press and hold the
Downtime Clean button until the green indicator
light illuminates. Deactivate by holding the button
down until the light goes out.
Service Interval Light Reset
Reset the Service Interval indicator light located in
the maintenance window.
The system must be shut
down before the reset button will function.
If the
system is ON, the reset button will have no effect.
To reset the indicator light, turn the system OFF,
perform the necessary maintenance such as empty
the collection container, and reset the light before
starting the blower.
Mode Display
Maintenance Required
With the exception of service interval, the
maintenance required window contains a group of
diagnostic functions that indicate an abnormal
conditions. The service interval indicator allows
you to schedule routine service as required by your
system. Each of the fault indicator lights, with the
exception of the service interval, is either reset each
time you press the OFF button or reset automatically
when the abnormal condition ends. A fault light
that resets at shut down remains OFF only if the
fault condition has been corrected. The service
interval light has a separate reset button.
indicates that either the printed circuit board
has self-diagnosed a fault in its operation or the
power supply voltage applied to the board is not
within acceptable limits.
Cleaning Failure
indicates that a solenoid valve,
diaphragm valve, or relay failed to operate
resulting in an improper cleaning pulse. This light
also indicates low pressure or complete lack of
compressed air for the cleaning system.
Filter Rupture
indicates an unexplained, sudden
decrease in pressure drop across the filters. Verify
this fault condition by examining the air discharge
from the collector. The fault light can also
illuminate as a result of a sudden closure of an inlet
or discharge damper, or other system changes that
cause a rapid decrease in airflow.
Filter Plugged
indicates that the pressure drop
across the filters exceed the START CLEAN
setpoint and that the cleaning system cannot lower
the pressure drop measurement below the upper
limit setpoint. If the pressure drop does not appear
excessive, check the START CLEAN setpoint for
proper adjustment.
preset at shipment, signals that the air
temperature has exceeded the maximum
temperature recommended for the filters installed.