Delete Visitor
40 Visitor number #
Delete the visitor’s code.
Clear all Visitor
40 0999 #
Clear all Access Codes.
Lock Settings
Set door unlock
5 Output number
(1, 2 or 3)
Seconds #
Set the amount of sec-
onds the device will grant
access before locking
Set Access
Code to toggle
5 Output number
(1, 2 or 3)
0 #
Entering Access Code will
toggle the lock to stay
open. Entering the Access
Code again will toggle
back to lock.
Safety Settings
Default safety
60 1 #
After 10 successive false
codes, the keypad is dis-
abled for 60 seconds
Duress safety
60 2 #
After 10 successive false
codes, Duress is activated.
Entering an Access Code
/Authorization Code will
disable the Duress Output.
safety settings
Number of false entries
After 5-10 successive
false codes, the keypad is
disabled for 15 minutes
or until the Authorization
Code is entered.
Disable all
safety settings
60 00 #
Sound Settings
All sounds - On
7 11 #
All sounds will be enabled
All sounds - Off
7 10 #
All sounds will be dis-
Access sound -
1 second buzz
7 21 #
Upon unlocking, the key-
pad will signal granted
access with a 1-second
Access sound -
2 short beeps
7 20 #
Upon unlocking, the key-
pad will signal granted
access with 2 short beeps