14 DU OUT (Duress Output)
When a Duress Code is entered, the DU OUT will
switch to ground. Ex. It may be used to turn on a light,
camera, or buzzer. It may also be used to trigger an alarm
for a security system.
15 (-) GND (Common Ground)
16 DOOR SENS N.C. (Door Position Sensing Input - Normally Closed)
DOOR SENS must be connecting to ground if not used.
This feature can be connected to a normally closed device
(ex. A magnet) to sense a door’s status (being opened
or closed). With DOOR SENS connected, the following
features are possible:
Door Auto Re-lock
The system will immediately lock after a door/
gate has been opened and closed.
Door Forced Open Warning
The system will signal a warning and trigger
Alarm Output once the door is forced open without
a valid access code or egress button. The warning
signal lasts as long as programmed. Entering an
output 1 code will deactivate the warning signal.
Open Door Warning
The door will signal a warning if the door is left
open for longer than the programmed time.
Open Door Alarm
Open Door Alarm is designed for the
emergency door. When the door is opened without
a valid access code or egress button, the alarm
will trigger. The warning signal lasts as long as
19-20 TAMPER N.C. (Tamper Switch Normally Closed Contact)
Normally closed while the keypad is secured on its box. It
is open when keypad is separated from its box. Connect
this to an alarm system if necessary.
DOOR SENS must be connecting to ground if not used.
LED Indicators
Red - This becomes a solid color when Access Lock is
activated. It is also the Wiegand LED in reader mode
Yellow - It flashes on Standby. The Yellow LED also
indicates the system’s status in synchronization with the
Red/Green - It lights up Green for Output 1 activation;
and Red for Output 2 activation.