Place the open adapter onto your instrument,
following the drawing, make sure all four
square corks are aligned parallel to the rib and
the end knob of the instrument is centered
horizontally. The square corks do not neces-
sarily have to touch the rib of the instrument.
Once you have aligned the adapter, push
top and bottom together
. Use our key to
close the adapter. In order to keep the top
and bottom parallel, alternate between both
screws after every full turn
. (You should
avoid tightening one screw all the way,
followed by the other one.) Continue this
until it fits properly.
Please check the retaining force of the
adapter regularly, especially after the first
playing period. If the adapter moves while
playing, you have to tighten the screws again.
Other squeezing sounds may also occur from
an adapter which is not tightened enough.