Dolby Surround Mixing Manual
Dolby Surround Mixing Manual
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Technical Guidelines
Technical Guidelines
Equipment from
from Dolby
Dolby Laboratories
The equipment described below exists in two versions. The newer one
The equipment described below exists in two versions. The newer one has much greater
has much greater
immunity to RF interference, and as sold in
immunity to RF interference, and as sold in Europe with a single power line
Europe with a single power line voltage, is compliant
voltage, is compliant
with the EMC standards of the European Union.
with the EMC standards of the European Union. Operationally the two versions are analogous,
Operationally the two versions are analogous,
and this manual applies to both. Older units have
and this manual applies to both. Older units have a “gold” finish to the
a “gold” finish to the tray and top, the more
tray and top, the more
recent ones a “silver” finish. The newer
recent ones a “silver” finish. The newer versions do not have removable front cover plates and
versions do not have removable front cover plates and
thumbscrews; to gain access to the plug-in modules and i
thumbscrews; to gain access to the plug-in modules and i nternal switches, remove the extruded
nternal switches, remove the extruded
front panel (two screws on top and five
front panel (two screws on top and five underneath).
Dolby Model
Model SEU4
SEU4 Surround
Surround Encoding
Encoding Unit
The SEU4 receives four input signals (Left, Center, Right, and
The SEU4 receives four input signals (Left, Center, Right, and Surround) from the audio console
Surround) from the audio console
and matrix encodes them into two
and matrix encodes them into two output signals (Lt and Rt). The Lt
output signals (Lt and Rt). The Lt and Rt signals are then
and Rt signals are then
treated as any stereo signal would be for
treated as any stereo signal would be for transmission and recording.
transmission and recording.
Dolby Model
Model SDU4
SDU4 Surround
Surround Decoding
Decoding Unit
The SDU4 decodes the two-channel encoded signal (Lt
The SDU4 decodes the two-channel encoded signal (Lt and Rt) into four output signals (Left,
and Rt) into four output signals (Left,
Center, Right and Surround) using Dolby
Center, Right and Surround) using Dolby
Surround Pro Logic
Surround Pro Logic
decoding technology. The unit
decoding technology. The unit
also provides switchable stereo and monophonic monitoring modes for evaluating mix
also provides switchable stereo and monophonic monitoring modes for evaluating mix
compatibility. A ganged master fader allows all four
compatibility. A ganged master fader allows all four monitor output channels to be varied
monitor output channels to be varied
together, allowing variations in listening level while
together, allowing variations in listening level while maintaining playback balance and
maintaining playback balance and
Figure 2-1 Dolby Model SEU4 and
Figure 2-1 Dolby Model SEU4 and SDU4
It is important to listen through the decoder
It is important to listen through the decoder while mixing in order to
while mixing in order to hear any subtle changes that
hear any subtle changes that
the Dolby Surround matrix encoding process may create.
the Dolby Surround matrix encoding process may create.