Dolby Surround Mixing Manual
Dolby Surround Mixing Manual
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
System Setup
System Setup
Encoder Alignment
Correct electronic alignment is a must for
Correct electronic alignment is a must for proper surround mixing. Perform the following steps
proper surround mixing. Perform the following steps
on initial installation of the
on initial installation of the equipment and verify system integrity from time-to-time.
equipment and verify system integrity from time-to-time.
1. If it isn’t already, connect the unit to an audio path. See
If it isn’t already, connect the unit to an audio path. See
Section 3.2
for further
for further
information. If using the effects processor loop, switch it out
information. If using the effects processor loop, switch it out for the following
for the following
alignments. You will be instructed when to switch it back in. (To disable the EPL, move
alignments. You will be instructed when to switch it back in. (To disable the EPL, move
the slide switch located front center of
the slide switch located front center of the right-hand board, Cat.No.385, or open the link
the right-hand board, Cat.No.385, or open the link
between pins 6 and 15 on
between pins 6 and 15 on the remote control connector.)
the remote control connector.)
2. Apply a 1 kHz tone at console reference level (+4 dBr, 0 VU, etc.) to the Left channel
Apply a 1 kHz tone at console reference level (+4 dBr, 0 VU, etc.) to the Left channel
3. Adjust the Left channel trim control
Adjust the Left channel trim control until both green LEDs on the S
until both green LEDs on the SEU4 are illuminated.
EU4 are illuminated.
The resolution from left green LED
The resolution from left green LED to right green LED is approximately 1/4 dB.
to right green LED is approximately 1/4 dB. In some
In some
cases it may be difficult to keep both green LEDs lit. If so, adjust until you are at the
cases it may be difficult to keep both green LEDs lit. If so, adjust until you are at the
crossover point from one green LED to the
crossover point from one green LED to the other.
4. Adjust the Lt output trim
Adjust the Lt output trim pot to reflect console reference on the
pot to reflect console reference on the metering employed,
metering employed,
console or recorder. If you are returning the signal through the
console or recorder. If you are returning the signal through the console master fader, be
console master fader, be
sure the fader is set for unity gain. Once the master fader is set, do not change it for the
sure the fader is set for unity gain. Once the master fader is set, do not change it for the
remainder of the setup procedure.
remainder of the setup procedure.
5. Apply the 1 kHz reference tone to
Apply the 1 kHz reference tone to the Right channel input.
the Right channel input.
6. Adjust the Right channel input trim
Adjust the Right channel input trim and Rt output trim as in
and Rt output trim as in steps 3 and 4 above.
steps 3 and 4 above.
7. Apply the 1 kHz reference tone
Apply the 1 kHz reference tone to the Center channel input.
to the Center channel input.
8. Adjust the Center channel input trim, as
Adjust the Center channel input trim, as shown in
shown in
Figure 4-1
Figure 4-1
, to light both green LEDs.
, to light both green LEDs.
Do not adjust the output trims for Lt or Rt. The left and right meters on the device being
Do not adjust the output trims for Lt or Rt. The left and right meters on the device being
fed by the encoder, console, or recorder should both read approximately –3 dB
fed by the encoder, console, or recorder should both read approximately –3 dB and the
and the
signal should be in phase.
signal should be in phase.