Dolby Surround
Surround Mixing
Mixing Manual
Chapter 3
3 -
- System
System Installation
Figure 3-18 Detail of Jumper Modification for
Figure 3-18 Detail of Jumper Modification for Bass Splitting
Bass Splitting
Time Delay
Delay Calculations
In addition to the switches mentioned above, a rotary
In addition to the switches mentioned above, a rotary switch sets the time delay
switch sets the time delay to the Surround
to the Surround
channel, as shown in
channel, as shown in
Figure 3-19
Figure 3-19
. On older units, the
. On older units, the switch is behind the removable front panel
switch is behind the removable front panel
cover. On newer units, the switch is
cover. On newer units, the switch is visible through the round hole in the
visible through the round hole in the front panel.
front panel.
Figure 3-19 Delay Switch Detail
Figure 3-19 Delay Switch Detail
To calculate the proper delay, measure the distance
To calculate the proper delay, measure the distance in feet from the seating
in feet from the seating position to the front
position to the front
speakers, and subtract the distance from the seating position to the
speakers, and subtract the distance from the seating position to the nearest Surround speaker.
nearest Surround speaker.
Add 10 to the result. This
Add 10 to the result. This is the proper time delay in
is the proper time delay in milliseconds. The minimum delay available
milliseconds. The minimum delay available
is 20 ms. If your answer is less
is 20 ms. If your answer is less that 20, use the 20
that 20, use the 20 ms setting. Always round up to the
ms setting. Always round up to the next
available delay time. For example, 18
available delay time. For example, 18 becomes 20 ms and 22 becomes 30 ms. F
becomes 20 ms and 22 becomes 30 ms. F or most trucks
or most trucks
and small studios, 20 ms will be
and small studios, 20 ms will be the proper delay time.
the proper delay time.
In metric measurements, measure the distance in meters from the
In metric measurements, measure the distance in meters from the listening position. Subtract the
listening position. Subtract the
distance in meters from the listening position to the
distance in meters from the listening position to the nearest Surround speaker. Multiply this
nearest Surround speaker. Multiply this
number by 3 and add 10 to that answer. This is the delay time.
number by 3 and add 10 to that answer. This is the delay time.
The zero setting is 20
The zero setting is 20 ms and each number upward adds 10 ms.
ms and each number upward adds 10 ms.