If you walk your pet off the property regularly (minimum once or more a day) you should
stay on the same schedule.
If you walk your dog 2 to 3 times or less a week, you should wait 3 to 4 weeks before
acclimating your dog to the walking procedure.
Only attempt this if your pet has no unresolved issues concerning the boundaries. Your
pet may be very hesitant to cross with you the first 5 to 10 times, so stay with it. He will
eventually learn when he can cross over and when he cannot. He will learn to trust you.
You must create a “gate” that will allow you and your pet to leave the property under specific
circumstances only. Stay consistent and follow the steps below unless otherwise instructed
by your trainer. Failure to follow these steps closely could result in your pet leaving the
property unattended and voiding any containment guarantees set by Dog Guard.
• Remove the receiver collar and leave it at home
• Use a different collar and leash than the one you’re
been border training with. Always leave and enter
your property with your dog ON LEASH.
• Pick one spot on the property, preferably one side
of the drive-way. This will be the exit and entrance
“gate” for you and your pet EVERY TIME you leave or
enter your property.
• Use an old towel, a large piece of cardboard or a
mat and place on the ground over the wire at the
designated gate area. This will serve as a bridge for
your pet to cross over.
• Bring your pet to the gate and give him a safe word
– i.e., “walk,” “safe” or any word you like; be sure to
use the same word every time you leave or enter the
property. Keep your dog close to you and repeat the
word as you walk him out of the property. Once you
are out, praise your dog. Do this exactly the same
way when entering the property.
If any problems arise directly or indirectly from attempting this procedure,
stoP immediately
and call our office before trying this again!
taKInG Your DoG
for a WalK