For your records, please complete the following reference sheet with information about
your Dog Guard system. If you need to contact you Dog Guard dealer with any questions
about the installation or service of your system, or about training your pet, you will have
the necessary information right at your fingertips.
note: to obtain warranty on your system, it must be registered with dog Guard
Headquarters located at 500 Federal st, suite 550, troy, nY 12180. send a copy of
this page to us at the above address.
a fee for service and/or repair/replacement may be imposed.
Dog Guard Dealer’s Name: ________________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________________________________________
Date System Purchased: __________________________________________________________
Date System Installed: ____________________________________________________________
Receiver Serial Number and CM Number: ____________________________________________
Transmitter Serial Number ________________________________________________________
Transmitter Type: 7K______________ 10K_______________
Date 1st Battery installed:________(Remember to replace your battery every 4 months)
Date Training Began: _____________________________________________________________
Training Notes: __________________________________________________________________
Your DoG GuarD sYstem