Copyright 2002 by DOAR Communications Inc. All Rights Reserved. (800) 875-8705
noticeable scan lines. This device cleans-up low quality videotape playback so that the
image is insured to be stable and sharp in the highest resolution possible.
Also this device acts as a multi-input switcher. It accepts inputs from the
Communicator, VCR, computers, and Aux Inputs. As the inputs are accepted, all
resolutions are adjusted and maximum quality output is attained. This device also
switches and rebalances audio (to provide a single audio output feed to your sound
DOAR’s Illustrator
The illustrator is used to draw, annotate and place emphasis on evidence displays in
vivid color. A tablet is used to make these markings with a “screen area” on the
tablet corresponding to an area on the display. The standard Illustrator supports two
annotation devices: One for the attorney and the other for the witness. The DEPS
unit can be customized in various configurations including one, or combinations of
the following:
-Light Pen.
-Touch Screen Annotation.
DOAR’s Visual Image Printer
The Visual Image Printer allows you to create 3” x 5” instant color photos from
DOAR’s Communicator, VCR or computer source. This is very useful for evidence
preservation or handouts to the jury.