DJI Mavic 3E/3T
User Manual
2022 DJI All Rights Reserved.
Optimal Transmission Zone
The signal between the aircraft and the remote controller is most reliable when the
antennas are positioned in relation to the aircraft, as illustrated below.
The optimal transmission range is where the antennas face the aircraft, with the angle
between the antennas and the back of the remote controller being 180° or 270°.
Linking the Remote Controller
The remote controller is already linked to the aircraft when purchased together as a combo.
Otherwise, follow the steps below to link the remote controller and the aircraft after
Method 1: Using Button Combinations
1. Power on the aircraft and the remote controller.
2. Press the C1, C2, and Record buttons simultaneously until the status LED blinks blue and
the remote controller beeps.
3. Press and hold the power button of the aircraft for more than four seconds. The aircraft
beeps twice after a short beep, and its battery level LEDs blink in sequence to indicate
it is ready to link. The remote controller will beep twice, and its status LED will turn solid
green to indicate linking is successful.
Combination Operation
Back Left Dial
Adjust Brightness
Back Right Dial
Adjust Volume
Back Record Button Record Screen
Back Shutter Button Screenshot
Back 5D Button
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