12. Torque the Filter Retainer (D10) to 260 inlbs/ 300 kgf cm/ 30 Nm. Set the Handwheel (D9) on the Filter
Retainer. Lubricate the three remaining Orings (D7) and install them on the Retainer Housing (D8) Fig. 48.
Fig. 48
13. Insert the Retainer Housing (D8) into the Handwheel and torque this to 86 inlbs / 100 kgf cm/ 10 Nm
using a 4mm hex. Take the DIN Shutter Crown (D4) and install one Washer (D5) the Spring (D6) and the
Washer (D5) inside of the Shutter Crown Fig. 49.
Fig. 49
14. Slide the Shutter Crown assembly onto the Retainer Housing Fig. 50.
It is best to do this as illustrated or
even hold the reg upside down and slide the crown up into it to prevent the washers/spring from falling out.
Fig. 50