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Chapter 10: Operationa l Test
From a PSTN Office phone attached to a PBX / VoIP Gateway try to make a call to a defined
cellular cell phone in the cellular network around you.
In case of a failure, verify the following:
The PRI is configured properly to your PBX / VoIP gatewa y.
The connection is properly attached and not disconnected.
The cable itself is not malfunctioning.
If your verifications did not have any results, it might be that the c ellular module is not compatible
with the cellular network around you. Make the following handset test, which is mainly used to
check the operation and c ompatibility of the Multi-Cell system with the local c ellular network. Use
the handset with a RJ-11 connection that is supplied with the unit and plug it to the HS socket in
the Multi-Cell Gateway. Follow the handset test instruction as follows:
Press the Handset button:
The next screen will appear: