DEVOS -- Enterprise Video System
Page 106
Manage Groups
Security Groups are collections of DEVOS and/or Active Directory users. You may
create as many Security Groups as desired. When you apply a Security Group to a
video, then only those people in that group may access the content. You can also
apply a Group to an Channel to allow others to publish to that Channel.
To create or edit a Security Group, select Add New Group or edit existing.
Group Name -- a convenient name for your
Search Users -- enter a the target user's
first/last name to find desired users.
Select Users -- Select the user you wish to add
to the group and then select "Add"
Select Active Directory Groups -- Select any AD
you wish to include in your group and select
As you make selections, they appear in the
Selected Users/Group list. You may select any
and then select "Remove" to remove them from
the group.