1. On your smart device, download the NCP-VIEW app from the Google Play store if you
are using an Android device, or the iOS App Store if you are using an iPhone. You can
also scan the QR code below.
2. Power up the NCP-DVR3CH and turn on the Wi-Fi from the settings.
3. Once the app is downloaded and installed on your smartphone and the Dash Camera
is powered up, open your smartphone's Wi-Fi settings and connect to the wireless
connection named NCPDVR3CH_XXXX. (XXXX is the unique number for every Dash
4. When prompted, enter the password 12345678
Wi-Fi Name:
5. Once the connection has been made, open the NCP-VIEW app. You will now be able to
access the live recording screen for stored videos, and Dash Camera settings.
6. Scan the QR code below to download the NCP-VIEW app from the Google Play or iOS
App Store.