Directed Electronics, Inc.
N1/8 BLUE (-) trunk status output
Connect this wire to the “(-) instant trigger input (trunk input/shunt)” of the security system.
OTTEE:: This output will be artificially activated by the CAN-IM when trunk release input is activated or the
trunk release button is pressed on the original remote of the car while in armed state, in order to prevent
the security system from triggering, in case that the trunk is not automatically released or opened by the
user within a predefined time (usually 5 seconds). This output will remain active as long as the trunk
remains opened. If the trunk is not opened this output will remain active a predefined time (usually 2 min-
utes, but no more than 3 minutes), to simulate the factory auto-relock future, or until a disarm/unlock or
arm/lock command is received on the analog inputs or read on the CAN bus by the CAN-IM.
N1/9 GRAY (+) trunk release output
Connect this wire to the trunk release input of an added security system. Only connect if an added
security system is installed to prevent the security system triggering if the trunk status output
becomes active during after the trunk release button is pressed on the vehicle’s original factory
remote control.
N1/10 not used
N1/11 ORANGE/GREEN CAN-H bus wire
Connect this wire to the CAN-H ( ORANGE/GREEN) wire in the car.
NOTE: Do not cut or interrupt the wire in the car.
N1/12 ORANGE/BROWN CAN-L bus wire
Connect this wire to the CAN-L ( ORANGE/BROWN) wire in the car.
NOTE: Do not cut or interrupt the wire in the car.